雙折射材料的溫度修正 Birefringent Material Temperature Modification
目前,FRED尚不支持“global”溫度設置,溫度敏感性評估一般用腳本編程來(lái)完成,該文檔演示雙折射材料的折射率随溫度變化的問題。附件案例文件包括兩個(gè)雙折射材料模,“KDP”和(hé) “KDP Baseline”, KDP Baseline材料存儲在已知溫度下的折射率,KDP材料用于儲存在“current”溫度下的折射率值,定義為(wèi)與baseline material之間(jiān)的溫度差。一個(gè)嵌入的腳本名為(wèi)“modifyBirefringentMaterialIndex” ,包含在FRED文件中,另外也單獨附加。其實現過程如下:
1.Retrieve the node numbers for the two materials, KDP and KDP Baseline
2.User specifies CTE for the ordinary and extraordinary refractive index values as well as the temperature difference from the baseline
3.Loop over the baseline material samples and determine the number of wavelength entries
4.Loop over each sampled wavelength entry in the baseline material
a.Modify the ordinary and extraordinary refractive index values using (2) above
b.Apply the modified values to the non-baseline material
5.Set a description on the non-baseline material indicating the temperature change from baseline